About Us

Date in US was created for the sole purpose of creating an online dating site that works.
We believe we have found the “secret sauce” to achieve this.

Our programming algorithms took over two years to develop and is awaiting a US Patent. The key feature is a double review of both you and the match. Date In US calculates your match results to the other person and then matches the other person to you. Both have to appropriately match for the system to show you the other persons profile. By doing this, Date in US has reduced the amount of time you will need to waste by reviewing profiles of people that will have no interest.

Our research shows that local dating is the best way to find a life partner. Our research is based upon large cities like New York, but from what we have concluded, being in the same local area allows for faster in person meetings (dates) and lowers the stresses related to a long distance relationship. Local dating also is less expensive and provides a quicker determination of the relationships future.

We promise that we will never create a fake profile. Many websites create non-existent (FAKE) profiles to keep you interested. On many pay websites, this especially occurs just before your subscription ends. We are a FREE dating solution, our only motivation is your success. We also promise to do our best in finding and removing any profiles that are fake.

Thank you from the entire team at